Z Sting
Z Sting
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Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
"Actual Disc"-merket indikerer at det er vårt eget bilde av nøyaktig den discen du kommer til å få tilsendt. Det vil altså IKKE være noe variasjon i fargenyanser eller stamp.
Alle discer merket med "Actual Disc" blir også veiet av oss med presisjonsvekt. Siden produsentene ofte har større feilmargin på vekten, kan du oppleve å motta et produkt som er merket med en annen vekt.
Vi grupperer discer som har identisk farge, stamp og vekt sammen, så derfor kan du oppleve at er mer enn 1 på lager av en disc merket med "Actual Disc".
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Kort svar: Er det et par grams forskjell på de ulike variantene? Da har det ikke så mye å si.
Langt svar: Generelt er en lettere disc ofte lettere å kaste for nybegynnere, men blir mer påvirket av vind og kan oppleves mindre pålitelig. Videre vil en lettere disc "skippe" fremover mindre når den treffer bakken. Eksperimenter med ulike vekter for å oppdage forskjellene.
Kjøper du en disc under 170g anses det som en "lettvekt-disc". Det kan være fordelaktig å eksperiementere med lettere vekter, særlig for nybegynnere og spillere som sliter med å få fart på discen.
Sting - Driver: Speed 7 | Glide 5 | Turn -2 | Fade 1 | Stability 0.0.
The Sting was designed to be a disc that is easy to control, holds an almost perfect line on all throws, and fits comfortably in most smaller hands. The Sting Driver was the 2017 Ace Race disc.
Z er den mest slitesterke og holdbare plasten til Discraft, som gjør at discen holder svært lenge på flyveegenskapene. Den er hardere og hakket mer overstabil enn ESP.
I got my Sting used, and it has been a bit too understable for my purposes for a fairway driver: It's generally easier to accomplish what I want using other discs. (Not sure just how different its performance might be if completely new and how long it might take before it would become beat in.) However, this has been very useful for my daughter, and for friends who are beginners. The understability and glide factor help give them a straighter, longer flight for their power level and throwing form versus the other more stable fairway drivers & midranges I have to offer them. I like the feel of ESP and jawbreaker plastics (my disc is actually in jawbreaker plastic, but that wasn't in the dropdown list; I do have experience with ESP plastic from other discs, though), but definitely prefer the durability that comes with the ESP. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
4 Stars is hugely disrespectful. Not something you are gonna throw off of the tee much, but this is the ultimate understable "fairway" utility disc. Playing in the woods you can throw this thing easily on giant anhyzer over trees, it will hold the line and keep going. Yesterday I had an awesome forehand shot Just had to get a little anhyzer on the disc and a fair amount of power and it just does exactly what you want it to. It is an understable 6.5/7 speed driver that is truly consistent, Idk if these 4 star people are playing enough disc golf in the woods. I really wish I had found this disc earlier, it could be really useful for learning the anhyzer, low follow through shots. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
You REALLY need to practice with this one. It can get away from you pretty quickly and you'll end up trading, selling or rat-holing it. It can be a nice finesse disc (very similar to the XL) if you take your time and get used to it. This disc isn't for everyone. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
I got a Sting after reading some reviews - I had been looking for an understable fairway driver that would be easy to turnover (for someone like with me with 350'-ish power). I've only thrown this disc in the Cryztal Sparkle plastic and I like it! It's just a bit gummier than regular Z plastic. Rim is comfortable and the size you would expect from a 7 speed disc. It is fairly flat but not board flat, still has decent height (or depth?) so it doesn't feel shallow. I wanted a fairway driver that would turn and hold the turn for turnover lines that are too long for my Meteor- in fact, I think it's like a longer Meteor. I've been really happy with this disc, it's very workable and does what I want it to do. It is very flippy, so hyzer and/or height are usually needed to get a full flight. I really only throw this disc on holes that hook right and typically only RHBH. My thoughts on the numbers are that they should be 7/5/-3/1 (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
I'm surprised by the negative reviews on this disc. I love my sting in Big Z. It is the perfect disc for finding straight lines through the woods and it will hold any line I throw it on. When I throw this disc, I usually put 70% to 80% power on it. If I really crank it though with a hyzer angle, it will flip up and it will bomb and end to the left. The fade on this disc is almost non-existent. I've had a wrist injury for some time that has really hurt my ability to throw long forehands, so having the Sting to turn right corners is awesome. I highly recommend this disc! (Nivå på anmelder: Nybegynner)