Star Lion INNfuse
Star Lion INNfuse
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Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
"Actual Disc"-merket indikerer at det er vårt eget bilde av nøyaktig den discen du kommer til å få tilsendt. Det vil altså IKKE være noe variasjon i fargenyanser eller stamp.
Alle discer merket med "Actual Disc" blir også veiet av oss med presisjonsvekt. Siden produsentene ofte har større feilmargin på vekten, kan du oppleve å motta et produkt som er merket med en annen vekt.
Vi grupperer discer som har identisk farge, stamp og vekt sammen, så derfor kan du oppleve at er mer enn 1 på lager av en disc merket med "Actual Disc".
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Kort svar: Er det et par grams forskjell på de ulike variantene? Da har det ikke så mye å si.
Langt svar: Generelt er en lettere disc ofte lettere å kaste for nybegynnere, men blir mer påvirket av vind og kan oppleves mindre pålitelig. Videre vil en lettere disc "skippe" fremover mindre når den treffer bakken. Eksperimenter med ulike vekter for å oppdage forskjellene.
Kjøper du en disc under 170g anses det som en "lettvekt-disc". Det kan være fordelaktig å eksperiementere med lettere vekter, særlig for nybegynnere og spillere som sliter med å få fart på discen.
Star plast:
Star plasten slites inn sakte og forutsigbart og gir langvarig holdbarhet. Den gir deg et godt grep i allslags vær og er et godt valg for de som liker holdbarheten til Champion plasten og den grepsvennlige Pro plasten. Star plasten beholder sine egenskaper lengre enn DX og Pro plasten.
The straght to understable midrange slot is a highly contested slot in most people's bags. Lets face it, you need to have a good reason not to bag a buzzz, or a hex, heck just about every company these days has a killer disc in that slot, fuse, the quake not to mention innova's own pedigree. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
What a fun mid-range. I was looking for something more stable (not more overstable) than a Method and came across a Halo-Star X-Out and picked it up. It feels lovely in the hand and the halo plastic is grippy and forgiving. This disc can be powered over which allows for more distance as it will turn right but as it is pushing forward it tries to come back left. (Nivå på anmelder: Viderekommen)
Took my 180g F2 Star, my 176g INNFUSE Star, and my 180g KC Pro out to Innova/MVP mid-range field work today. I'm sick of jumping between mids so I went with intention of finding what my stable slot is going to be. I've always loved my baby blue F2 Star's look and feel, and used it a bit a while ago, but for whatever reason, I thought that I liked beadless mids more. Well lately I'm finding that that's not necessarily true. I even pulled my INNFUSE off the wall to add to the mix, along with my KC Pro. Guess which mold was more consistently accurate and long than most of the others I tested (Roc3, Roc, Mako3, Coyote, Super Stingray, Reactor, Hex)? You guessed it. Rawwwwwwr. I say "most" because my Star Metal Warrior (MD3) was right there next to the Star Lions. The KC Pro was the longest, but I'm not really counting that, my DX Roc3s also bombed. For premium plastics out there today, it was the Lion and the MD3. Their flights are very similar to me at this point, 5/5/0/2 on both. Need to put the Lion and MD3 thru the ringer at the next field sesh and see who comes out on top. Regardless if it makes my bag or not, the Lion is a fantastic disc. I need to try a Halo. (Nivå på anmelder: Viderekommen)
Love this disc. Seems suspiciously like a re-marketed vroc but who cares it's an awesome straight but certainly able to turn over a little at faster speeds and gentle fade.. a little sharper fade than a dx roc but less fade than a RanchoRoc. It's like a big bigger beefier Manta.. which is a super awesome underrated understable compliment to the lion or the vroc (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
Great feel in the hand both plastic and shape. Throws very nice. Not sure this disc will replace my Mako in most situations but I may have found my go to circle two putter. It's more overstable than I would like for a long straight shot but holds a nice back hand flick and I was nailing putts from 30+ feet the first few throws. Definitely has a spot in the bag. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)