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R-Pro Pig

R-Pro Pig

Vanlig pris 179,00 NOK
Vanlig pris Salgspris 179,00 NOK
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Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?

"Actual Disc"-merket indikerer at det er vårt eget bilde av nøyaktig den discen du kommer til å få tilsendt. Det vil altså IKKE være noe variasjon i fargenyanser eller stamp.

Alle discer merket med "Actual Disc" blir også veiet av oss med presisjonsvekt. Siden produsentene ofte har større feilmargin på vekten, kan du oppleve å motta et produkt som er merket med en annen vekt.

Vi grupperer discer som har identisk farge, stamp og vekt sammen, så derfor kan du oppleve at er mer enn 1 på lager av en disc merket med "Actual Disc".

Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?

Kort svar: Er det et par grams forskjell på de ulike variantene? Da har det ikke så mye å si.

Langt svar: Generelt er en lettere disc ofte lettere å kaste for nybegynnere, men blir mer påvirket av vind og kan oppleves mindre pålitelig. Videre vil en lettere disc "skippe" fremover mindre når den treffer bakken. Eksperimenter med ulike vekter for å oppdage forskjellene.

Kjøper du en disc under 170g anses det som en "lettvekt-disc". Det kan være fordelaktig å eksperiementere med lettere vekter, særlig for nybegynnere og spillere som sliter med å få fart på discen.

Pig er en overstabil innspills-disk som vil gi deg presise kast til tross for vindfulle forhold. Med lite glide kan du med sikkerhet vite at denne vil fly pålitelig og kontrollert, samtidig som den kan formes i mange ulike linjer. Pig har en høy fade, noe som gjør at den tåler godt med kraft, og vil holde de samme linjene for alle ferdighetsnivåer. Med et lavt grep vil Pig fungere utmerket som en forehand-disk. 
Anbefalt bruksområde:
Erfarne spillere
Hyzerkast (vinkel ned mot bakken)
Flight Rating:
Speed 3
Glide 1
Turn 0
Fade 3

R-Pro plast:
R-Pro plasten er en mykere Pro blanding. R-Pro discer har det beste grepet for alle typer vær. Plastikken har mer "flex" som gjør at R-Pro putt & approach er blitt veldig populært for kaldt og vått vær. R-Pro Boss holder verdensrekorden for lengste kast 338 M (1108 feet).

Customer Reviews

Based on 50 reviews
Luke1000, fra Infinite Discs
Min Flight Rating: 3/1/0/3 (Ganske nybegynnervennlig)

The berg for people who hate the berg! This non-glidey, very torque resistant disc flies dead straight on forehand or backhand when you pump it, and can be a reliable flex shot too. I love it for 200 foot dead straight shots that I don't want to turn over. I also use this disc as a get out of jail card when im in the woods with a tight, straight forehand shot. Love the feel of the thumbtrack and the depth (especially compared to the berg). (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)

Jack Mullane, fra Infinite Discs
Min Flight Rating: 3/1/0/4 ()

As a long time Pig thrower, I can say these Pigs are the most overstable out there. I have had an older run since 2015 in my bag and it is still more overstable than a fresh R-Pro/Pro Pig. There is a slight dome on these Pigs but overall that doesnt bother me personally. I use this disc for forehand approaches that I want to dump right very quickly compared to when I would throw a Pro Pig which will typically carry 30 or so more feet for me before fading out. These Pigs are also much more reliable on a flex line compared to their non premium plastic counterparts. I would certainly reccomend this Pig to any Pig lover as well as someone looking for an overstable approach disc with a thumbtrack. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)

Geewillies, fra Infinite Discs
Min Flight Rating: 4/1/0/3 (Ganske nybegynnervennlig)

The good: the pig is hands down the best feeling frisbee in the hand. It has no equal. It also beats in and goes from overstable approach disc to straight flying mid range. Seriously a beat in pig will go sneaky far. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)

VBuss, fra Infinite Discs
Min Flight Rating: 4/1/0/3 (Svært nybegynnervennlig)

I got this for my son for his birthday two years ago so he'd have his own putter; but he hasn't wanted to use it much -- or other putters either, still feeling most comfortable with the flight of drivers he throws. So it doesn't sit and go to waste, I've started using it instead at times, and personally I really like the feel of both the grippy, flexible plastic, and the "Thumtrac" contouring around the top of the rim: it provides an all-around better grip and control. It does seem better to me as an approach disc than a true putter (compared to my regular putter), but then maybe that's just because it's different from the beaded putter I commonly use (and more overstable). I keep trying to point out to my son the bonuses of using the Pig instead of his drivers for both putts and shorter approaches: more control, less skip/roll, better for catching and dropping in the chains. Hopefully I'll convince him to make use of the Pig's utility. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)

matthewmcgregor, fra Infinite Discs
Min Flight Rating: 4/1/0/3 (Ganske nybegynnervennlig)

I was a bit skeptical of the thumbtrac when I first picked this disc up, but man does it feel great. The overstable approch slot is maybe the slot that can save you the most strokes when utilized properly, and this is what I've been using. This is very overstable, so it consistently has reliable fade. The r-pro plastic is very nice. I have two, one more beat in. Once it beats in, it glides a bit more and has some more forward push, but has a reliable fade. If you believe in mold minimalism, giving this a shot can benefit your game. I also have one in the test-pro plastic from the sun dried vibes run, and it seems to act like a more beat in r-pro, but with harder plastic and more skip. So having both plastics benefit me because one skips and one grabs a bit more. The pig has changed my game and I will continue to use this within 250 feet to get me in putting range. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)

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