Big Z Anax Paul McBeth
Big Z Anax Paul McBeth
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Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
Hva betyr det at bildet er merket med "Actual Disc"?
"Actual Disc"-merket indikerer at det er vårt eget bilde av nøyaktig den discen du kommer til å få tilsendt. Det vil altså IKKE være noe variasjon i fargenyanser eller stamp.
Alle discer merket med "Actual Disc" blir også veiet av oss med presisjonsvekt. Siden produsentene ofte har større feilmargin på vekten, kan du oppleve å motta et produkt som er merket med en annen vekt.
Vi grupperer discer som har identisk farge, stamp og vekt sammen, så derfor kan du oppleve at er mer enn 1 på lager av en disc merket med "Actual Disc".
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Hvilken vekt burde jeg velge?
Kort svar: Er det et par grams forskjell på de ulike variantene? Da har det ikke så mye å si.
Langt svar: Generelt er en lettere disc ofte lettere å kaste for nybegynnere, men blir mer påvirket av vind og kan oppleves mindre pålitelig. Videre vil en lettere disc "skippe" fremover mindre når den treffer bakken. Eksperimenter med ulike vekter for å oppdage forskjellene.
Kjøper du en disc under 170g anses det som en "lettvekt-disc". Det kan være fordelaktig å eksperiementere med lettere vekter, særlig for nybegynnere og spillere som sliter med å få fart på discen.
Den tredje discen i lineupen til Paul McBeth: Anax (uttales "aa-nuhks"). En sterk og overstabil fairway driver med en skarp kant som minner om en distance driver, men en mindre og komfortabel kant som minner om en fairway driver. Anax er dermed den perfekte middelveien mellom distance og fairway driver.
Spike hyzer
Kast i motvind
Flight rating:
Speed: 10
Glide: 6
Turn: 0
Fade: 3
Stabilitet: 1.9
Z er den mest slitesterke og holdbare plasten til Discraft, som gjør at discen holder svært lenge på flyveegenskapene. Den er hardere og hakket mer overstabil enn ESP. Big Z er nærmest identisk til Z, men er hakket mykere og mindre gjennomsiktig.
Discraft continues to crush it with their Big Z graphics; I love this one. I got this to act as a complement to my Firebird and found it to be so useful that when I lost one to a very poorly placed lake, I bought a new one THE SAME DAY to make sure it was in the bag. I only use this for forehands but it works very well for shots that I want the overstability of the Firebird for but I need a bit more glide before the fade kicks in. For most players I think this disc would get an extra 25-50ft. of distance with a less severe finish compared to a Firebird or Raptor. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
I have mixed feelings on the Anax. It flies really well when I can get a good throw with it. I'm able to get a touch of turn with a dependable finish. For a fairway, it goes very far as well. I'm not a big fan of the feel of the Anax however. I find them to be flatter than I would like a fairway to be. The signature ESP plastic is way too stiff for my liking. In the summer, it feels OK but in the winter the plastic is almost unusable. I have also found that my Anaxes have beaten in pretty quickly under normal use. They got a little too flippy for me to be confident in throwing them anymore. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
Let me start by saying this is the only discraft disc that I bag. I detest the company in general I think they are vastly over priced and they have way too many plastic varieties and I feel in general u can get better molds from smaller companies at a fair price and if lost those can easily be replaced because there are only 3-5 plastic types which keeps it simple. The Anax is an exception to the rule however. I did not buy this disc. I found it on a local course with no name or # on it. It has not left my bag since. It is a reliable straight shooter. It is stable to slightly overstable flight for me with a strong overstable fade at the finish. Not the meat hookup you would think by reading the numbers. At high speed I get a slight turn and a long straight line with very good distance before the fade kicks in. When thrown lower u get the nice big skips u would expect from an over stable disc. I was amazed at how easy it is to throw. I believe this is all due to the 6 glide. I was searching high and low for a stable to over stable driver that would check 3 boxes. Break in and maintain consistent stability, good straight line distance capability before the strong finishing fade, check the first 2 boxes without requiring 450 power to achieve. The Anax checks all of those boxes for me. As much as I detest the company this disc is a home run. Now I just got to make sure I don't lose it because having to spend $40 and try to hunt down an exact replacement while be a royal pain in the ass. (Nivå på anmelder: Nybegynner)
When I first started playing disc, I used a Boss and then moved to a Destroyer for most forehand drives that were out of Teebird range/stability. Due to back/shoulder pain however (as well as wanting to bag a disc I’d use plenty for backhand too), I began searching for a slightly slower alternative. After trying the Anax, I knew I found my workhorse driver. It can do enough of the destroyer-y stuff that I don’t feel the need to bag one, while also giving me the ability to shape shots; I can ride an anhyzer without wrist rolling or attempting to throw harder than I should. Additionally, the ESP plastic beats in at a rate that works for me, as sometimes the Champion-style plastics don’t beat in as quickly as someone might want. I have a Thunderbird as well and in comparison, the numbers seem about right—the Anax has higher glide but that fade doesn’t stay around 3 for too long while the disc beats in. I have a couple beat in protoypes that are my best shot-shaping drivers and I am absolutely terrified of losing them but other than that I have no actual problems with this disc, it’s one that never leaves my bag even though I move discs in and out of my bag more than I should. Perhaps the only real downside I can think of is the fact that it’s not cheap since it’s one of Paul McBeth’s signature discs. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)
Probably meant to be similar to a Thunderbird, never felt quite right in my hand. Reliable option if you like the feel though. (Nivå på anmelder: Middels)